Writing Contests for Students with Awards

Writing Contest for Students 2021-2022

Many American and British universities conduct literature events annually. They list nominations named after notable former students and funded by the English Department or the institutional budget. Some of the awards are almost historical, while the others are relatively recent.

You can find all the specific information on your college’s web page. In this article, you will get the general structure of these competitions and writing tips from essay writing service on how to enroll the chart of winners.

Terms of Writing Contests

Usually, there are about ten named awards that embrace fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The Journalism Department runs separately. They offer to write a news article in a specific genre: sport, politics, book review, films and entertainment, or photo report. Judges choose three outstanding pieces in each category.

The events often start during the springtime and last one year. Prizes change depending on the university and can reach $500 or even $1000 for the first place. Three winners are paid gradually, but sometimes evenly.

For example, the American Duke University’s Writing Contest is on right now until March 2022. Its awards are named after famous graduates who’ve found themselves as authors and teachers: Anne Flexner’s awards in fiction and poetry, The Lucaci Award for creative nonfiction, The Terry Welby Tyer Jr. Award for creative writing, and so on.

If you win, in addition to the money prize, the English Department will print and distribute your story with your name on it.

Formatting the Essay for Submission

The style requirements are almost the same as for academic papers: double-space and 1-inch margins, strict limit of words or lines. Managers can share recommendations about the genre or leave the topic to students.

Always check where you send your mail. Usually, you will find several emails linked to the commission of one particular award. Sending your manuscript to one of those, write the title of your story in the subject line.

On the cover page of the Word document, you state:

  • The title of work;
  • your name;
  • class year, ID or another approval that you’re a student;
  • genre.

You can send one writing for one reward before the deadline. Several works from one author are allowed, but they must be unique and submitted to different categories.

Do What You Can to Win

If you’re passionate about writing, why not give it a try? Even when you’re far from this art, you lose nothing except time. As a bonus, here’s the chance to obtain a sum that can partially cover university fees, give a start to your project, or realize anything else you want.

Choose the Topic of Your Interest

Don’t gloss on what you don’t understand. Write about things you’ve studied and tried before. Locate acts in places you’ve seen. You can add fantastic elements, but a steady foundation of knowledge will give you confidence.

Transfer Readers into a Book

Readers want to feel the moment. Write the story as you see it, letting out your unique artistic style. Don’t assume beforehand that the commission won’t accept your experiments. Maybe they will be the key to your success.

Apply a Few Rather than All

Of course, you can aim for an unlimited number of awards, but know your powers. Global contests require devotion. You can’t scatter among them all and produce quality at the same time. So, if you want, two categories would be just alright.

Abide Rules

Think about juries who must receive and evaluate an endless wave of student works. They won’t do you a favor if you neglect the word limits or forget to title your book. The guidelines make life easier for you and critics.

Even if you won’t win—keep going! People estimate art quite subjectively. Besides, the contest is not intended to argue anyone’s writing skills. It’s supposed to raise interest in the development of modern literature and reveal hidden talents in students. Except for the reward, you will refresh knowledge on the essay topic, maybe find a new hobby, and discover wonderful people around you.