Tips on Improving Writing Skills: Pieces of Advice from William Zinsser

Effective Tips on Writing Nonfiction from William Zinsser

William Zinsser was a famous writer, the author of writing instruction manuals, “On Writing Well.” The book was first published in 1976, and since that time has sold over 1.5 million copies. The book had many up-to-dates as the writer wanted his work to stay demanded at all times. Zinsser totally loved the revolution in writing that appeared with computers and called it a miracle. He emphasized plainness and effectiveness, as well as style and enthusiasm. Below, we will share some of his numerous tips on how to improve your writing.

Avoid making lazy word choices

You will not become a good writer until you develop a respectful attitude for words and become curious about their shades of meaning. There are plenty of strong and versatile words in the English language. You will likely require some time to find those words and phrases you want. At the same time, do not use jargon and too complicated words and constructions. Due to clear thinking, you can create clear writing.

Always remember that good writing requires a particular effort

You will not accidentally produce a clear sentence. Very rarely words turn into perfect sentences from the first time. Recall these words to your mind in moments of despair. If you consider this work complicated, it is because it is really complicated.

Write in the first person

Think of writing as of personal interaction between two people, conducted on paper. You will be surprised by how much easier the process will go. Furthermore, the more you write in the first person, the sooner you will find your own, unique style. Believe in your own individuality and your viewpoints. Did you know that creating anything new is an act of ego? Well, admit it.

Try not thinking about your audience

Consider yourself the audience. Actually, the first and foremost reason why you are creating something is pleasing yourself. If you do that with enjoyment, the result will turn to an exciting product that entertains the readers who are worth writing for.

Read, read, and read more

What if I tell you that writing is predominantly learned by imitation? All the great writers learn to write by reading other authors’ books and trying to figure out how these books have been written.

Use the Thesaurus

It will significantly assist you when you need a reminder of all the words choices. If you find some similar words and want to know the exact difference between them, you will undoubtedly need the dictionary.

Once your first draft is completed, read it out loud for rhythm and sound

A good prose writer is always part poet, who should always listen to what he/she writes.

Do not believe you will complete anything definitive

It is essential to decide what corner of the chosen subject you want to bite off and make every effort to cover it well, and then stop.

As Zinsser follows his own pieces of advice, this exciting book is read very easily, with reckless humor and contagious enthusiasm in it. “On Writing Well” has been praised not without reason. It contains sound and useful advice, is clear and written in a warm style that makes the book easily and enjoyably readable. It will definitely be helpful for everyone who has to do some writing in these days of e-mail and text messages.