Punctuation and Grammar in the Context of Writing

Tips on the Writing Style Everyone Could Use

Punctuation plays an essential role in structuring the text. There are different types of techniques that can potentially help you with the grammar structure, but here are the tips that will make you stand out among the others. Our essay writers with experience insist one should first pay attention to:

Semi-colons in Writing. Most of us are used to thinking that semi-colons don’t mean a lot. The specialists are more than sure that there is a remedy for the approach. Read one of the paragraphs, coined in the process of writing. Detect where you pause naturally and count between breaths. Though this may seem like an unnecessary tactic, it helps you concentrate on the structure. If you have noticed that a short pause follows, this is a signal one can actually make a stop. We are not talking full stop, which would automatically be referred to as a period. Instead, you can try inserting a semi-colon that will have the power on its own.

Commas. Commas are only used when you want the audience to stop scanning the text and make a pause to contemplate. They are everywhere these days, but do we know how to use them properly? If you are striving for an unstoppable flow, do not scatter punctuation marks across the text. In this case, a long sentence is the best one to address. It has been proved that the excessive use of commas is especially difficult when it comes to reading out loud. It’s making students stop in the middle of the paragraph for the sole purpose of drawing their breath.

Dashes. The setting of the clause is an excellent example of establishing a clear punctuation structure in the composition. Every student that struggles to get a decent grade will be exploring the topic for hours. You may be aware that the first sign of a dash indication is using it with two hyphens. However, you have to bear in mind that the preceding sentences should make sense to the reader. A sentence that follows thus turns into a readable piece that can be comprehended even without the dashes. Although this is not a common practice for students, it still works.

Hyphens. While dashes are inserted to make an emphasis or single out a particular phrase, they can also play a dramatic role in formatting. Most authors agree that we should use these punctuation devices to surprise the readers and make the text more thrilling. By setting off paragraphs and marking them properly, we send out a signal that says we are ready to enhance the drama. Hyphens, on the other hand, are most commonly advertised as tools that join words. Complex adjectives, which can be used in the description process, illustrate the method: faint-hearted, heart-broken, half-full.

Abbreviations. Before you go down the abbreviation path and include them in your text, check out this tip. Even though some of them are perfect for everyday use, make sure your readers are aware of those instances. If the audience does not have the capacity to define an abbreviation, opt for a synonym. Do not forget to write out the words that need a specific definition and are not so mainstream to begin with. Common acronyms are okay in daily types of communication whereas complicated structures are reserved for business language. This does not apply to essays that are focused on professional terminology. Experts in the relevant field do not need every word spelled out for them in the beginning.

Referents. Being mindful of the referents will result in better texts. Your readers will be drawn to the essay only if it presents a compact structure with no sloppy parts. When you start writing, it is easy to get lost amidst “these” and “those.” However, you should keep in mind that students have no idea about the referents. In order not to confuse them and the rest of the target audience, make your point clear. This is an overlooked methodic due to the amount of effort it requires. Do not overdo it unless you can pause and name all the people you currently include in the story. This should not be a subject for debate as the essay comes to life.

Replacements. There are times when it is easier to throw in a random word than use specific terminology. On the other hand, being too informal with the language may disrupt the general structure of the text. Determine the style you are going to be working with and try to follow the rules as you develop the outline. Making a draft will help you emphasize the words that definitely need to be in the text and ones that can be replaced. We are often toying around with “this” when we are not so confident about the sentence order. Think of something that can act as a replacement in the body of the essay. Your peers will never comprehend the meaning of the assignment unless you make it presentable in the first place. Take a pause and come back to writing when you’ve analyzed the vocabulary.

Passive voice. Although we do recommend using passive voice when required, it is not the best option for informal prose. According to the writers who have been at it for years, passive constructions are often cluttering the text. They need to be present to indicate awareness. However, if you do not wish the content to be drained of energy, try to use the shorter version of the phrase. For instance, the name of the theory, combined with the last name of the researcher, is a great reference. Instead of saying “the theory that has been developed under the guidance of the renowned Schrödinger,” try “Schrödinger’s theory.”