Essay Samples

In this category, there is a great variety of written essay examples – so you have an opportunity to read and analyze and try to write alike these examples in our category. Our clients can ask our writers for help with editing and formating.

Essay Sample on Volunteering

Understanding of Serving Others The opportunity of volunteering as a servant leadership involves going beyond self-interest and creating opportunities for followers so that they can grow. In volunteering as a servant leader in a rehabilitation center, the leader takes it as being first among equals…

Personal Response Paper

A. Brief summary The film Triumph of will was produced by Leni Riefenstahl in the last decade to demonstrate the regime of dictatorial leadership in the Nazi community. According to the author, the arrival of the leader, Hitler, symbolizes the presence of the most powerful…

Essay Sample: Nursing Journal

Nursing Journal While establishing a basis for hands-on nursing skills within this position I feel it prudent to discuss the manner in which my nursing manager approaches the team. They are forthright and encouraging in their practice. I have noticed that communicating clearly and are…