Crowdfunding Pitch Writing: Tips and Tricks in writing!

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How to Create a Compelling Pitch for Crowdfunding Campaign?

When starting a crowdfunding campaign, the first thing you have to consider is an efficient message for the audience. To reach success, you have to present your ideas engagingly and convincingly, that is why focusing on a well-thought pitch is crucial. A great number of amazing projects fail to reach the audience because of a poorly-written pitch. Indeed, your idea might be genius, but nothing will work if you don’t know how to explain it.

The crowdfunding platforms are full of campaigns. The question is: how to make people notice your project among thousands of others? And we insist that a nice and understandable pitch is everything. If you want to make sure that your campaign will touch the hearts of people, then read this article and follow the techniques listed below.

Get them captured at first glance

If you open any popular crowdfunding website, you will notice that all projects have previews. These previews include headings and short descriptions. It is essential to make these sections captivating because these are the first things people see. Title and description should sound creative and precise. Make sure that you don’t make your future supporters wonder, what exactly you offer. Explain the campaign shortly and make it straightforward.

Have a layout

Before you start writing a whole text, you need to have a plan. To be sure that you include everything necessary, consider these points:

  • Present yourself and/or your team
  • Explain what exactly you have to offer
  • Include the timeline: break your project into phases and explain how much time you need for each
  • Briefly explain why you choose to start a crowdfunding campaign
  • Add some personal notes and messages to your potential audience (pledge, encouragement to get involved, etc.)

Facts to increase the credibility

It is obvious that you believe in your product: the market must be interested in it for sure. However, while you have no doubts about this, the potential investors always do have them. It is quite natural because they will devote money to your product. They want to make sure that this investment makes sense. To increase your product’s credibility, you need to add some facts that prove your idea as the one that will net a profit. Show them that have done research and give them a good reason to choose you.

Tell them a story

A standard description doesn’t work as well as storytelling. What does it mean to tell a story? In a couple of words, this is more than just product presentation, but a description of a whole project. Tell your readers the reasons why you have decided to work on this project, how it is connected to your life, ideals, and dreams. People will emphasize and trust you. When your aims and reasons are clear to the audience, they will understand you and therefore – support you.

Be simple and clear

You don’t have to write an epic novel, so be brief and straightforward. You may want to use slang and some buzzy mems in your text, but be aware that they won’t bring you attention if your description is not clear and concise. Make sure that you write your pitch clearly. If you use any specific terms or concepts – explain them to the audience.

Come up with a timeline

People want to know how much time is needed (notably, large investors). Estimate the approximate timeline and announce the dates. You can tell your audience about concrete parts of the project in detail, showing how much time do you need for each. Make a graph or a table to present the information comprehensively and accurately. Timelines will rise the credibility of your project, and people will feel more confident about cooperating with you. Don’t forget to update the information if any changes occur.

Text formatting is important

This is especially the case for large pitches. Proper formatting will make your text readable and help you keep people’s attention. Lists, headings, and white space are crucial elements of an extensive pitch. Depending on the project you present, you can add some visuals like pictures and videos.

Using these tips, you will make your pitch more compelling, transparent, and credible. Provide your users with detailed information to answer their questions even before they arise. So be creative and good luck with your crowdfunding campaign!