Practical Tips on Argumentative Essay Writing: Students’ Guide

Tips and Tricks: How to Compose a Superior Argumentative Essay For

Are you struggling with your argumentative essay? You are not alone. This type of academic writing is truly challenging, and most students experience hard times when trying to tailor one. However, you don’t have to worry – argumentation is an art, and you can master it. Think about your argumentative essay as if it was a dish. And in this article, you will find a winning recipe. The key ingredients of a delicious paper are:

  • Compelling topic;
  • Balanced argumentation supported with examples and facts;
  • Strong evidence;
  • Persuasive language.

Let’s discuss each of the ingredients in detail.

Choose a topic and your standpoint

Since you are writing an argumentative paper, you need to find a debatable topic – the one that has at least two debating points of view. Try to choose the topic you care about – being passionate about it, you will be more successful in your writing.

Once you have chosen a topic, think about both sides of the argument and make a list of points for each. This will help you shape your own argument and explain why your position is valid. The points from the list will serve as evidence of your validity. Pick your side of the issue and think of the central argument that backs it up. The task is to describe your argument as the right one and work against the opposing point, and explain why you disagree with it.

Find a sufficient evidence

To make your paper really strong, you need to assess both sides of the issue and work with them simultaneously. Find sufficient arguments for your side as well as for the opposing one – to beat them down like a boss. Even if you feel emotional about the topic, make sure to avoid dramatic language – provide facts, examples, and statistics. Interviewing topic experts might be a great idea, as well – their real-life experience is convincing and informative enough to help you structure a striking argument. 

Get to work

When you are armed with information, start writing your paper. Like any other academic essay, an argumentative one contains three main parts:

  • Introduction

Introduce and briefly explain your topic, give background details, intriguing statistics, and end your paragraph with a thesis statement. In your thesis statement, reveal your position about the topic.

  • Body

The body of your paper is the heart of your argument. Devote at least one paragraph to each of your ideas, go into details about both sides of the issue, and provide the most convincing counter-arguments. 

You may reveal the opposing position first and then move to your own position as a correct one. Feel free to discredit and crush the opposing point with the facts you found during your research, just don’t use any aggressive language. Your points should be presented one by one, from the weakest to the strongest one. Support each of them with evidence, statistics, quotations, or even stories from real life – just make sure that they are convincing and relevant. Use reliable and fresh academic sources only.

  • Conclusion

End your paper with a summary of your central point and restate other supporting arguments. Don’t provide new information or quotes in your final paragraph.

Final thoughts

Mind these tips when writing your argumentative essay to craft an objective and rational one. Remember that argumentation is built by means of statistics and factual data. Avoid manipulative expressions and emotional language – stay logical and consistent. Present both points of view and prove your position to be valid. Good luck!